


Making research impactful and accessible at Uncapped

Making research impactful and accessible at Uncapped



Uncapped is a financial services portal that provides flexible and tailored funding to small and medium sized businesses to help scale faster.


Head of Design
Product Management


🔬 User Researcher

About my role

  • Outline the requirements and strategy to impact product development
  • Take responsibility for the ease of use and accessibility of the discovery process
  • Own the budget product can use to discover insights and test solutions
  • Hiring of a UX Researcher to own the Uncapped research process and educate individuals on best practises
  • Eulogise Discovery and Research to the company, and how everyone can contribute


📡 Insights shared across dedicated Slack channels and relevant people to encourage immediate action

✍️ Consistent process for holistically capturing research insights

📻 Bi-weekly Research Radio Q&A to share new insights with the company


When joining a new start-up, leaders will often eulogise about the importance of research, however when looking deeper its easy to spot limitations. At Uncapped, research was being carried out in a fragmented way that led to confusion about the source of truth. One significant problem was the absence of any shared process or best practise, resulting in valuable knowledge being scattered and difficult to access. Additionally, research would be locked away within siloed groups, hindering collaboration and cross-pollination of ideas which lead to the duplication of research efforts, and impeding efficiency. At Uncapped I wanted my team (but also the whole company) to understand the value of good research, and be able to access it instantly.


To address the problems with research at our start-up company, we implemented a comprehensive research process. Firstly, we explored platforms like Dovetail and to gain insights into the type of solution we needed. As a result, we migrated all research interviews and user tests to a centralized Notion database, where each call was carefully tagged to specific product areas. This organization facilitated easy access and retrieval of information.

User interview
All calls were saved an uploaded to Grain to create highlights

In addition, we developed Notion templates specifically designed for sharing and understanding new insights. These templates streamlined the process of documenting and sharing new findings, pain points, UX recommendations and supporting statements, ensuring that valuable knowledge was readily accessible to all team members. Furthermore, we prioritised establishing best practice guidelines for conducting user research calls. We created detailed documentation and conducted workshops to ensure that all team members were equipped with the necessary skills to conduct effective research interviews.

Recorded insights
After each call or test, a summary was created to help make them easily accessible

To enhance collaboration and knowledge sharing, we utilized Grain, a platform that allowed us to record calls and create highlights. These highlights were then shared via Slack or integrated into roadmap tasks, making it easier for team members to access and refer to important research insights. Moreover, we expanded our research efforts by leveraging, enabling us to connect with hundreds of non-customers across the UK and US. This increase in research capacity allowed us to gather more diverse perspectives and enrich our understanding of user needs.To ensure widespread awareness and impact, our findings were shared through dedicated Slack channels and bi-weekly Q&A sessions. These platforms provided opportunities for colleagues to engage, ask questions, and gain insights that directly influenced our roadmap discovery process. By implementing this robust research process, we successfully tackled the previous challenges, fostering collaboration, knowledge sharing, and informed decision-making throughout our start-up company.

Share insights on Slack
Insights were shared on Slack where relevant people were copied in

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