Product Design



Improving Uncapped’s onboarding success rates

Improving Uncapped’s onboarding success rates



Uncapped is a financial services portal that provides flexible and tailored funding to small and medium sized businesses to help scale faster.


Head of Design
Product Management


🎨 Senior Product Designer

🎨 Middle-weight Product Designer

About my role

  • Oversee the Onboarding team and help identify biggest pain point and highest priority tasks
  • Lead Product Marketing initiatives
  • Align with Head of Engineering to discover new technical solutions to back-end issues
  • Help Product Manager slice up tasks to ensure release every 2 weeks
  • Organise discovery calls and user testing sessions. Ensure all feedback was being actions in new design work
  • Lead UX strategy and ensure all work was mobile-first


🚀 40% increase in users completing onboarding

🚀 Doubling conversion when users viewed "How to" content

⏱ Faster completion rate when connecting platforms

📱 Accessible to users on mobile


The Uncapped onboarding journey was the core user journey in helping users get funded with Uncapped. It was in this journey that users needed to share information that allowed us to propose a funding offer. However, data was showing the journey had been neglected and was affecting our ability to offer new funding opportunities to new clients. The main issues we needed to resolve were:

  • A high bounce rate from users dropping out of the onboarding journey
  • Connections crucial to a seamless application had high failure rates
  • Uncapped’s new funding products were not reflected in the offer’s we provided

Additionally we hypothesised that the journey did not give users enough motivation to complete the application, through a lack of transparency and understanding of the requirements.

Old version of Uncapped onboarding
The previous onboarding journey was cluttered and overwhelming for users



At the start of the quarter, I directed efforts to learn more about the user experience, and pinpoint the parts of the journey where drop-off was highest.

We planned moderated user testing with founders who were unfamiliar with Uncapped to understand how easy the journey was, and how engaging they found it.

From this user testing and data analysis we discovered:

  • Highest drop-off point was on the first step after discovering their eligibility for funding.
  • Failure rates on connections were high, and attempts to troubleshoot required hand-holding.
  • Users found there was no ‘carrot’ to encourage them to continue their application after finding out they were eligible.
  • Users were not confident of the steps required to connect accounts and why it was required.

Throughout this process, we continued doing weekly moderated user testing that focused on the initiatives that were within the design sprint, and collaborated with the Sales team to ensure updates were making a real impact to their sales process.

Improving our product marketing

As users were not fully understanding how Uncapped worked, I designed a new webpage dedicated to the application process, explaining the steps and why we required account connections. I also produced a short video that outlined these steps and was accessible on various pages throughout the website.

How to apply webpage
We launched a How it Works page and video to support onboarding improvements

Simultaneously, we ran short 2 week experiments to find ways to encourage users to continue with the application once they were eligible. One experiment that worked well was showing the user an estimated amount they could receive. This led to more users attempting to connect accounts on the next step. We also ran social media campaigns directing users to the “How it works” page, which contributed positively to users starting their application.

Funding estimate test
Before and After: Adding funding estimate to eligibility success

Additionally, as discovery showed high drop-off rates immediately after landing on the first connection step, I designed product story animations that demystified the next steps in the journey, and that they would receive white-glove service upon completion of their application.

These changes immediately saw 2x as many users passing eligibility and starting to connect accounts.

Animated product stories
Animated product stories took the applicant through the next steps

Making it easier to apply

To tackle the bigger problem of users failing to connect their accounts, I directed the Product Designer within the onboarding team to focus on getting the UX right on step 1 so that we could reuse what was successful in the following steps.

During initial discovery we learned that users found the steps overwhelming and cluttered. As a result we started iterating on ways to de-clutter the space and focus attention on the requirements of the step. We eventually found a winning formula where the progress steps were reduced and removed the requirement for users to ‘confirm’ they had connected all accounts.

Additionally we made the following improvements to simplify the journey and reduce frustration where there was friction:

  • Added guides to help support users who still had problems
  • Allowed users to invite another applicant if they did not have access to some information
  • If the user encountered a problem, we offered the opportunity to skip
  • Allowed the user to upload documents instead of connecting accounts
  • Once steps were complete, confirm we would be in-touch. If the user had difficulty we would also clarify we would be in touch to support.
Connect accounts
We simplified the UI when showing connected accounts and displayed contextual content to the side
Uploading documents
Uploading documents enabled users without connection access to proceed faster

Improving offer selection

Once we were happy with the improvements to application conversion, we then spent time improving how offers were communicated. This was essential as Uncapped had launched various lending products which could not be communicated online to the user.

As Uncapped was dedicated to being transparent with pricing, we designed the offer to display information clearly, and help users understand the difference between different products, including:

  • How the loan would be repaid
  • A graph showing how the loan would be repaid over a period of time
  • Allowing the user to edit the offer settings

During user testing and competitor analysis, we also discovered users were frustrated by lenders who were opaque about fees, and found most would have hidden fees. We decided to be fully transparent and make the fees clear, and how they would be applied to the loan.

Select your offer
Offers had more clarity on the details, and allowed users to edit them with sliders


Overall this initiative helped us drastically improve the amount of users who completed their application, and entered the offer funnel by 40%. This empowered the Sales team to spend more time learning about their clients businesses instead of chasing dead leads.

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